Video series


Below are a number of scenarios that are very common and strategies to defend yourself from attacks.

How to show confidence

How to be assertive

How to be an active bystander

To men: this means no!

How to get out of a situation at an ATM

How to get out of an abuse at a carpark/confined space

How to get out of a date

Watch your surroundings

Being followed

These are a few strategies that you could use if you are being followed

What to do if you are being followed on foot

What to do if you are being followed in a carpark (or a confined space)

What to do if you are being followed by a car

What to do if you are being followed at a train station

Texts and social media

These few clips give suggestions on how to respond to unwelcomed texts and social media posts.

What to do if you received an unwelcomed message on social media

What to do if you received an unwelcomed message on text

What to do if you have a persistent man and he is not understanding your silence.

Foundation: self defence

These series explains more about the foundations of self defence

Why do we need to learn self defence?

Self awareness is most important in self defence

Three stages of stranger attacks

Four stages of non-stranger attacks

It is your human right to be safe

What to do after you escape an attack or experienced an attack?

Physical techniques

There are times when safety awareness is not enough to keep you safe and when we may need to learn some physical techniques.  Below are some selected "soft techniques" that is easy to learn through videos.

Soft technique: pinky finger hyperextension  technique - Use this technique if they they are sitting next to you have have their hands on your thighs.

Soft technique: finger joint hyperextension  technique - Use this technique if they have their hands on your shoulders.

Soft technique: wrist turn technique - Use this technique they want to pull you away from the wrist.

On-guard position - Use this position when you are being followed and they are too close for you to do anything else.